Justin's HIV Journal

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Justin's HIV Journal: NBC Channel 4 World AIDS Report 2009 3% of DC Residents have HIV/AIDS

Justin's HIV Journal: NBC Channel 4 World AIDS Report 2009 3% of DC Residents have HIV/AIDS 

Today I reminisced to when I started out as an AIDS activist.  This was my first news interview and I couldn’t believe I found it after all these years.  I was actually looking back on some old photos of friends and x-boyfriends that passed away.  I found this news interview and it was when I was about 29, which was about 5 years ago.  Now I look at my life now and I didn’t think I would be married legally and I didn’t think I would be a father.  I didn’t think that I would’ve come out with a children’s book about HIV or have done HIV activism as deeply as I have now.  

Sometimes I think about my death and I wonder if my son will know about the work I’ve done.  I wonder if he knows about how serious HIV/AIDS really is.  I know several generations before me probably said the same things about me when I was “growing up gay”.  Some of them are still around probably shaking their heads at some in my generations that shrug their shoulders at HIV/AIDS.  We will never know until time tells us the truth and only truth can come with time.