Justin's HIV Journal

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

COVID-19/Corona Virus Stay At Home Order ignored

#COVID-19 #CoronaVirus #StayAtHomeOrder People do not understand that COVID-19 is a deadly disease. The LEADER OF NORTH CAROLINA PROTESTS AGAINST STAY-AT-HOME TESTS POSITIVE FOR CORONAVIRUS so she ignored the Stay-At-Home order and could've infected others who would take the virus back to their homes and infect other people. When I posted that story people gave me crap for shaming her. I'm not shaming here I'm pissed off that she would ignore regulations and then unknowingly infect other people. Privilege and entitlement for a hair cut are ridiculous and then ignoring the stay at home order is dangerous. Well, I can say that if I die of this disease I did not knowingly contribute to its spread. Please exercise your constitutional right to be an asshole somewhere else and not near me.