Justin's HIV Journal

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Majority of Newly diagnosed HIV cases in Philadelphia already have AIDS

Every three years the CDC puts out its HIV Surveillance Report which gives a status on infection rates by city, state, region etc.  After the results of he report came out it was found that Philadelphia was ranked 24th among metropolitan area for new AIDS diagnosis.  Over 75% of new HIV cases found were actually stage 3 AIDS.  Currently there are about 12,000 people in Philadelphia living with HIV/AIDS. 

What do you think the problem is?  Are people not getting tested early enough?  Are people becoming complacent with HIV in general?

People are now living longer and longer with the HIV virus.  Some are still in the mindset that if they get HIV or put their selves at risk they can just take care of it later.  Well that is not the case.  Once you are infected with the HIV virus the best thing to do is to seek help/treatment.  The earlier you are able to get to a doctor the better.  Some people are afraid to get test because they are fearful of the results and HIV stigma.