Justin's HIV Journal

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Justin's HIV Journal: Justin joins the RiseUpToHIV Campaign

The Campaign and how to Join
This is a Global public campaign inspired by Chelsea Clinton raising awareness by holding a simple sign for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. My vision for this campaign is to mobilize people in places across the United States and the World willing to stand up to Stigma and Rise Up To HIV, all in an effort of realizing the UN Goals of getting to ZERO. The biggest barrier I believe to realizing these goals is STIGMA.

On Facebook: simply tag RiseUpToHIV with your photo and a sentence or two about yourself, or a bio if you have one.

On Twitter: You can tweet an image and sentence to @RiseUpToHIV

If you are good with Photoshop or any other editing software you may submit a photo of yourself with the words No Shame About Being HIV Positive.

If you are not on Facebook or on twitter you can e-mail your photo to kevin@riseuptohiv.org and I will be sure to place it in the album

Here is a link to the album of those who have already participated (82 as of 1/16/2012)


Supported by Community Access National Network, a National 501c3 that has been dedicated to improving access to care and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C since 1996.

Media Contact:
Kevin Maloney
e mail: kevin@riseuptohiv.org
Kevin Maloney
e mail: kevin@riseuptohiv.org