Justin's HIV Journal

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Justin B Terry-Smith's answers questions on Side Effects of PrEP and How he found out he had HIV

Hi Justin—I heard your dissertation is on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Can you tell me what the side effects of PrEP are?

What did it feel like when you got HIV? Did you notice your body change? And, if so, did you think it was nothing? Or can you just not tell at all if you are positive?

Justin answers these questions on A&U Magazine's website please click the link below 



Click here

Monday, November 14, 2016

#HIV Diagnosis Justin answers How did you find out you are positive—of course it was by testing but what led you to go and test for HIV?


i Justin—
Greetings from Accra. I cannot stop admiring your online posts and pictures and your positive attitude toward life. This makes me wonder if you are really HIV-positive because you do not fit the popular image of a person living with HIV as melancholy and lonely. Most people here do not disclose and are living in silence because of stigma. This brings me to the question: How did you find out you are positive—of course it was by testing but what led you to go and test for HIV? Did you have symptoms? What were they? How long after your exposure to the virus did you get tested?
These appear to be personal questions. It’s okay if you do not wish to answer any of them. Thanks and regards. Good health and blessings to you.
Justin's Answer can be found in the link below

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Justin B Terry-Smith talks #PrEP and Sexual Empowerment in the latest edition of Just*in Time from A&U Magazine

In the latest edition of A&U Magazine America's AIDS Magazine I talk to a reader about Sexual Empowerment and PrEP.  

1st step in #HIV #prevention is sexual health empowerment • JUST*IN TIME by Justin B.Terry-Smith.

Dear Justin—

I hope you get to read this because I’m in desperate need of an
answer about HIV prevention.

I actually met you years ago when you were the speaker at Howard University for Black AIDS Awareness. I was a freshman then and I didn’t know a lot about HIV. I think the reason why is because I didn’t know how to accept the fact that I was gay. When I finally acknowledged it, I thought about your presentation at Howard University. It scared me because I didn’t want to be HIV-positive. I had a boyfriend and we had sex only about twenty-five times. He was very abusive verbally at first and that really took a toll on my self-esteem; then he became physically abusive and would throw things at me in the house, punching me, smacking me, etc. I left him and now I have a new boyfriend.

My new boyfriend is amazing, but he is also HIV-positive.  He doesn’t want to use condoms but he wants me to go on PrEP; I kinda already know what I want to do but I really wanted to know what you would do in this situation. Do not worry—I’m not basing my decision on what you say, but I am going to take it into consideration.


To see my answer to the reader please click on the link below:

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Justin's HIV Journal Videos Showcased at the Brooklyn Museum Exhibit!!

GREAT NEWS: Some of the videos from Justin's HIV Journal will be SHOWCASED in the Brooklyn Museum with other HIV Activists Mark S. KingCarol Leigh, Juanita Mohammed, Luna Luis Ortiz PhotographySouthern AIDS Living QuiltJames Wentzy and the late Nelson Sullivan (1948-1989) & Ray Navarro (1964-1990) The exhibit will officially open Dec. 1st (World AIDS Day) but there will be a free showing Saturday, December 3, 2016 from 7:00pm–9:00pm in which I will attend and be a part of a discussion panel at the end :-D <3 span=""> Wow I'm going to be showcased in the Brooklyn Museum!! WOW I did it!! NY here I come December 3rd see you there!!

Link for more information