Justin's HIV Journal

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Black Lives Matter Round Table w/ Special Guest Dr. Justin Terry Smith #NBHAAD #BlackLivesMatter #NicePackage


We observed National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. This is an opportunity to increase awareness about HIV education, testing, and care and treatment services among the Black community, as well as highlight the work being here at Southwest Center. 

Today we launch a video created by the Black Lives Matter Coalition at Southwest Center featuring four of our staff members: 

Chel’sea Ryan, LCSW, Clinical Supervisor

Michael Sheppard, Medical Case Manager

Aretha Moore, Medical Case Manager Supervisor

Robert Carter, Registered Dietician


HIV activist and creator of "Justin's HIV Journal" Justin B Terry Smith is a featured guest on the show.  www.JustinTerrySmith.com

Also featured in our video are special BLM Bags available by request at SW Center with condoms, lube and more from www.NicePackage.org

 for the month of February.

#NBHAAD #BlackLivesMatter #NicePackage #HIVAwareness

Sunday, February 14, 2021

"Healthy Fantasies" Podcast, Episode #12- February, 2021 Dr. Justin Terry Smith on HIV/AIDS.


"Releasing of Episode #13- HIV/Aids with Justin Terry-Smith - Drph. We are excited about 2021 Podcasts and have an amazing line up.

This podcast is in honor of all our Brothers and Sisters that we have lost in our community to Aids/HIV. We pause during this podcast for a moment of silence in their honor. We also want to set aside space in honor of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Sunday, February 7th, 2021.

Actor, Activist, and  Author of the two new book, "Just*in Time" and "PrEP" Justin Terry-Smiths.


 What a honor and privilege it was to host Justin ty for your time and service Justin.

"Although the Lifestyle may be therapeutic, it is not meant to be therapy" ~ Kat

